Melink Zero Experience

Mid- and Full-Scale Test Labs

As a part of our work to develop a commercially viable TES system (T-Bank™) Melink made an investment to build out a mechanical system test lab that provides for all of the heating and cooling needs of our new (2020) ~35,000sq/ft (~3,250sq/m) net-zero headquarters 2 (HQ2) building driven by several sinks/sources. Using advanced monitoring and controls, we’re able to utilize various heat pumps, geothermal, and TES systems to control the hydronic loop that supplies water to the in-ceiling heat pumps throughout the building. With over 2,500 monitored points throughout the mechanical room and building, we’re able to simulate and record the performance of systems independently or collectively.

In addition to our full-scale test lab, we have constructed a mid-scale test lab. This smaller lab allows us to test TES prototypes to evaluate the performance of different PCM’s, Heat Exchangers (HX), and tank designs. The small-scale lab is connected to advanced control and monitoring systems that allow us to monitor temperature, flow, pressure, and specific gravity within the lab as we develop control algorithms and define system performance characteristics. Our plan under this grant is to expand the system to utilize additional building design and controls systems to aid in the future development of software tools for TES design and management. Additionally, we’re looking to use the smaller lab to use inputs from ‘real’ buildings to simulate how TES might benefit the end-user/building.

T-Bank™ thermal energy storage system

Our T-Bank thermal energy storage system acts as a “thermal battery” for the customers’ building, storing excess heating (or cooling) (BTUs) to be utilized or rejected later, in a manner that saves energy and operating costs. Specifically, our product can save an average of 35% in HVAC operating costs over conventional boiler-cooling tower systems (operation costs include energy and demand charges), with a high of 46% primarily for office building types.

The significance of the importance customers place on reducing annual operating costs has been validated through Melink’s core experience in servicing HVAC equipment, as well as selling energy-efficient geothermal HVAC products and systems. Beyond our experience, the importance of reducing any expense that has an impact on the net-operating-income (NOI) of a commercial building owner/manager/operator is seen as one of the primary success metrics for how commercial property is valued.

T-Bank uses our proprietary Joule Juice™ phase change material.

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